Speaker Proposals

Please submit your proposal so your event can be finalized! Once accepted the DMFA will work with you on a presentation date that is mutually convenient.

For a list of recent session topics, check out our past events page at: https://dmfa.org/events/past-events/.

Session Guidelines

  • Sessions should be interactive, educational, and informative; they may include case studies, examples, results, and other specific details. 
  • Attendees want "takeaways" they can apply to their own programs.
  • There MUST be at least one speaker from a nonprofit on each session.
  • Speakers must present in an educational, non-commercial, non-self-promotional manner. NO sales pitches are allowed during presentations or sessions. 
  • Sessions are meant to cover 50 minutes of content, including Q&A.

Please know that submission of a proposal does not guarantee acceptance. Sessions will be evaluated by the DMFA within a month of submission and you will receive a response either way.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Example of an Event Title

Mid-Level Giving Hot Topics and Benchmarking Insights

This is the overarching topic that you will be discussing. For example, Sustainers, Stewardship or Acquisition. 

Please click on the menu options below to pick your category. If your event does not fit into one of the categories in the drop down below, please choose other and type in your category in the box at the top of the list.

The DMFA hosts several types of educational events. They are:

Webinar - this is a presentation by a speaker or a panel of two to three speakers and is open to an unlimited audience.

In-person Workshop- This is an interactive session run by a few experts on a more specialized topic such as creative, messaging, etc. - this is usually limited to 30 people.

Virtual Workshop - This is a how-to session with an audience limit. Past topics have included how to develop an omni channel campaign or how to set up a mid-level program etc. 

In person event - This can be either a small interactive event or a larger presentation to a wider audience.

Please include one or two paragraphs on the topic and content of the event. DMFA events are typically 1 hour in length. Please also include the start time and end time of your event.

Please include three bullet points on what attendees will learn.

Example of key take aways

  • How to choose an accessible meeting platform 
  • Making your materials accessible 
  • Hiring access professionals (such as Sign language interpreters)  

Please list the speakers First Name Last Name, Title, Company

Please upload any photo or video that would like to use for promotion of your event. DMFA will use your images on the website, in emails, and in social media promotion. 


20MB max

Please upload speaker head shots.

20MB max